(Revised April 2024)
We take all necessary and required measures to protect our residents and staff while providing a safe opportunity for socialization and visitation.
We welcome visits at all times and with all residents in each of our living settings, except for individual circumstances due to a high risk of community transmission of infectious disease.

Learn more about the unique visiting protocols for Pioneer Cottages.

Visitors will need to adhere to infection prevention control and safety practices to enter the living setting. Visitors who choose not to follow these practices may be asked not to visit.
Do Not Enter: You may not visit if you are experiencing any of the following: sore throat, cough, or shortness of breath; fever or chills; chest pain, muscle or body aches; flu-like symptoms including respiratory or GI-related; loss of taste or sense of smell. If you have been around an individual who has confirmed COVID-19, is waiting for results of a COVID-19 test, or if anyone in your house is ill with the above symptoms, you may not enter.
Facemasks: When needed or requested, masks are available for visitors at the building’s entrance.
Hand Hygiene: Please perform hand hygiene before walking through the building. Alcohol-based hand rub is available for visitors.
You may also reach out by phone, follow us on social media, and sign up for our Email Updates, sent regularly as we have news to share.