New Requirements Strain Supply
With everyone wearing masks at PioneerCare, it’s going to look a little like the Wild West around these parts. Staff began sporting this new masked look last week. New guidelines just released from CMS will now require residents to cover their noses and mouths.
“When possible, all long-term care facility residents, whether they have COVID-19 symptoms or not, should cover their noses and mouths when staff are in their room. Residents can use tissues for this. They could also use cloth, non-medical masks when those are available.”
– Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
We’re incredibly thankful for the work already done by volunteers to fill the need so far. Now, with this new standard to follow, our need has more than doubled. The sewing effort in the community is inspiring and is greatly appreciated. We are putting all of them to use.
Printed copies also will be available inside the Free Little Libraries at First Lutheran Church and St. James Episcopal Church.
If you’d like to help, need printed instructions mailed,
or have other questions, please contact us here.